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Keep the Weight Off  After Ozempic

Nutrition Advice for After GLP-1 Medications

8 week Reclaim Your Body Confidence—Without Restrictive Diets

Sustain Your Weight Loss Long After You’ve Stopped Ozempic or other GLP-1 Medications
​With Lisa Smith mBANT Nutritionist​

Is This You?

  • Lost weight with GLP-1 medications like Mounjaro, Ozempic, or Wegovy but unsure how to maintain it long-term?

  • Worried about weight regain after stopping GLP-1 injections and sustaining a healthy lifestyle without medications?

  • Struggling with emotional eating, food cravings, or balancing meals post-GLP-1?

  • Overwhelmed by the idea of returning to a regular diet and exercise routine?

  • Want a sustainable, non-restrictive approach to eating and movement without calorie counting?

  • Need expert support to maintain weight loss, balance hormones, and regulate metabolism?

  • Looking for a supportive community of like-minded women on the same journey?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, my 8 week programme can help you keep the weight off After Mounjaro, Ozempic, Wegovy or other weight loss GLP-1 medications. 


You'll learn how to maintain your weight naturally, address emotional eating, balance your hormones, and create lasting habits for a healthier you – all while receiving expert weight management guidance, regular health coaching and support along the way.

What You Can Expect

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You’ll receive regular health coaching and guidance on how to stabilise your weight through online nutrition advice, lifestyle strategies, and practical support that fits into your life.


Whether you prefer private coaching, group sessions, or self-paced learning, this online nutrition programme offers flexible options tailored to your needs. 


1:1 Private Coaching

Ideal if you prefer personalised support and a customised approach, this option offers four one-to-one coaching sessions over the 28 days. Together, we’ll develop a tailored plan that fits your lifestyle, taking into account your unique hormonal and metabolic needs. You’ll receive exclusive guidance, meal planning, and accountability to help you confidently maintain your weight loss long-term.


Weekly Community Group Coaching

For those who thrive in a supportive group environment, this option offers weekly group coaching sessions. You'll join a community of like-minded women facing similar challenges, sharing experiences and receiving practical advice in a collaborative setting. You’ll still receive structured guidance and meal plans but with the added benefit of group accountability.


Fusion of 1:1 and Group Coaching

This option combines the best of both worlds. You’ll receive two private coaching sessions for a personalised plan and tailored support, along with weekly group sessions for community interaction and additional guidance. This is perfect if you want a more tailored approach but also appreciate the motivation and support of a group.


Self-Study Option

If you prefer to work independently, this self-study option gives you access to all the programme materials, including meal plans, educational resources, and action steps, without coaching or group interaction. This is for women who are self-motivated and want to follow the plan at their own pace.


Each option is designed to meet you where you are, whether you need personalised guidance or prefer to take a more independent approach.


You’ll walk away with the tools and confidence to maintain your weight loss naturally and sustainably.​

FREE weight loss review spaces are limited.
Nutrition programmes start at £450.
Online consultations across Greater Manchester UK and worldwide.

Success Stories


Tracey, 45. I lost 9kg weight with Ozempic but struggled with emotional eating and feared regaining weight after stopping the medication. Lisa taught me how to create balanced meals, manage cravings, and maintain my weight without restrictive diets. Six months after the programme, my weight is stable, I have a better relationship with food and feel more confident about my choices.


Liz, 38. I lost 12kg but felt tired all the time, my cycle was all messed up and I worried about gaining weight after stopping Ozempic. Lisa's programme helped me so much! My cycle has returned to normal, I've got more energy and feel confident I can sustain my results long-term.


This is your chance to build a sustainable lifestyle that feels good and works for you, so you can keep the weight off long after Mounjaro, Ozempic, Wegovy or other GLP-1 weight loss medications. 

Online midlife nutritionist, Altrincham, Cheshire, Manchester. UK
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Programme FAQ'S

Who is this programme for?

This programme is designed for women who have lost weight using GLP-1 medications (such as Mounjaro, Ozempic or Wegovy) and are looking for guidance on maintaining their weight naturally.


If I haven’t finished my GLP-1 medication, can I still join?

Absolutely. Whether you’ve already stopped or are preparing to come off Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy or other GLP-1 medications, this programme will help you transition smoothly, avoid weight regain, and set up a sustainable lifestyle.


What kind of support will I receive?

You’ll receive expert guidance and resources like meal plans, recipes, and lifestyle tips. You’ll also have opportunities to ask questions and get personalised advice. Download my Quick Energy Fix meal plan recipes to see an example of the recipes.


When does the programme start and how long is it?

The programme runs for 8 weeks. During this time, you’ll receive regular health coaching, resources, and support to help you build lasting habits and maintain your weight.


Do I need to follow a strict diet or exercise plan?

No! The focus is on realistic, sustainable changes that fit into your lifestyle. You won’t have to count calories or follow restrictive diets. Instead, I’ll guide you through balanced, nourishing meal plans and simple movement tips to support your long-term health.


What results can I expect?

You can expect to maintain your weight, regulate your metabolism, and develop a healthier relationship with food. Many clients also report increased energy, better sleep, reduced stress, and freedom from emotional eating.


Is the programme suitable for people with medical conditions?

Yes, the programme is suitable for women with conditions like hypothyroidism, PCOS, prediabetes or insulin resistance. However, if you have any specific health concerns, I recommend discussing the programme with your GP before joining.


What if I can’t make the live sessions?

If you are enrolled onto the group coaching programme all live sessions are recorded and made available for you to watch at your convenience. You’ll still be able to access the full benefits of the programme and ask questions, even if your schedule is busy.


How much time will I need to dedicate each week?

You can expect to spend about 1-2 hours per week on the programme, including attending or watching the live sessions and implementing the meal and lifestyle tips. The programme is designed to be flexible and fit into a busy lifestyle.


How do I join the programme?

Simply sign up by clicking on the JOIN THE WAITING LIST button below and you’ll receive all the details of the next programme.


How much does it cost and is there a payment plan available?

The 8 week online programme has various options with different levels of support depending on your needs and preferences. Please contact me for more details on the pricing options.


If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out, and I’ll be happy to help!

How It Works

online midlife nutritionist, Altrincham, Cheshire, Manchester, UK
  • Enrolment: You will be added the waiting list to receive notification of the next programme start date and early bird offers.

  • Facebook Community: Join the exclusive group for support, connection, and session updates.

  • Live & Recorded Sessions: Attend live coaching sessions or watch the recordings anytime.

  • Meal Plans & Recipes: Get easy meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists to support your metabolism and hormones.

  • Weekly Modules: Unlock new lessons each week on hormone balance, stress, and sustainable weight maintenance.

  • Personalised Support: Receive tailored advice during live sessions and in the Facebook group.

  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your habits and progress through the app to stay motivated.

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Healthy Salad in bowl with napkin


 Free Weight Loss Review

A FREE no obligation call lasts up to 30 minutes, it's a great way for us to discuss your requirements and how I can help. We can connect via telephone or Zoom. You can ask any questions and decide if we are a good fit before working together. Based in Altrincham, Cheshire, I work online with clients in Greater Manchester and all over the UK.​

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